Friday, December 1, 2006

... fufiled in the Lords Fountain

So the week started off prty crummy as usual, but wow.. ACF Unity Ball, was ahhh.. repsect level for many individuals we're dropped drasticaly.. and i'm actually scared of some ppl now. (tiff is so black) but all aroud goodnite. TOnite, we pulled off a four hour worhsip practice, and it was so much fun. I actualy felt something, and its been a feeling thats been missing for a while. IT was awsome though, even everyone was tired it was late, our voices were crummy , but sounded so so so awsome!! (KCHow, is freakin awsome or (Pwn) as joe says) .. i actualy realy really like the diminshed sized worship team.. so we'l pray it goes well on sunday.. So true colours tmrw.. hopefuly that doenst get bombed to hell in a handbasket!! but once again.. God will be our shepeard!!..


So its liek 3 rite now, and i finaly get to play badminton again tmrw!!.. so i'm off to Joe's couch..

1 comment:

ahrum said...

LoL.. yes Unity was good...
Looking forward to tonight and whatever you guys have put together...
congrats again for audition